Thursday, October 4, 2012

My first photo meetup

I thought I would blog a little about going to my first photo meetup.  At first I was pretty excited about going,  everything was being handled for me, models, location, etc.  These are all things that really do require quite a bit of work to come together properly, and I'll admit, not having to do it myself this time was worth the 20 bucks it cost me, so I thought. The models and people who arranged this meetup were very professional, and talented, so this post is in no way meant to be directed towards them in any way. This is my blog, and I will post what my experience was with this type of event, if it offends you in any way, that was not my intention. Anyways..... 

Although I am sure that every person that attended this meetup walked away with some amazing images, they all had the same look and feel to them. I don't know about you, but when I take photographs, I prefer that they be unique in some way, different from everyone else's, dare I say uncommon.  Even though I am sure that each photograph was in some small way different, one single subtle difference, is not going to set you apart from the rest of the world. Each photograph taken at the meetup was just a reproduction of the persons work, that clicked the shutter prior. I suppose what I am trying to say is the only thing that I learned from this meetup, was that I am not like everyone else, nor do I wish to be. Being a carbon copy of every other photographer, in  a world full of billions of people, all striving to achieve success, I just don't feel like this type of event works for me in my life, and my photography. Needless to say, this was my first, and last meetup with this group. I am not afraid to step out of the box and try to be a reflection of my true self and work a little harder to achieve the kind of images that not everyone else on the planet already has! 

Photography is a very big part of my life. Being original, or bringing something more personal to my work, is why I enjoy it so much. I am the only me there will ever be, and I intend to take advantage of being unique, and stay true to who I really am! If I walk in the footprints of others, I will never have any of my own. I have my own voice, and I am lucky enough to realize, being different is not always a bad thing. Don't be afraid to spread your wings and fly! Have a great week everyone, Cyndy

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