Monday, September 24, 2012

High Dynamic Range Reflections

I don't know if I mentioned that I am also taking Advanced Digital Photography this semester, but I thought I would share a new technique that we were assigned this week in that class also.  With this assignment we had to use auto exposure bracketing, which is basically taking a series of 3 photographs. One is taken two F stops under, the second is taken normally, and finally the third is taken 2 F stops over. The 3 images are then combined in camera Raw, and edited in CS6. One was edited realistic, and the other hyperrealistic. I used shallow depth of field and form in my realistic image to make it more interesting as well as color. In my hyperreal image I used light and color to give it a really warm feeling.  I really enjoyed this assignment, and I am looking forward to using this technique in the future when I have time.  I hope you like them, Cyndy



This next image is my Sunset assignment that I shot over the Horizon. I really love the warm glow that it has, and I hope it makes you smile too! Until next time, Ciao!

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